Customer Testimonials

We take customer feedback seriously in order to improve the quality of your experience. Our knowledgeable staff can answer any of your questions and help you find the right truck for your business.

Discover what our customers have to say:
(Source: Google Reviews)

Jodi Roze


EZ work trucks was so INCREDIBLE to work with -- purchasing vehicles is always stressful but this process felt like a piece of cake! Mike worked hard to find the exact truck I wanted and no other company or car dealership seemed to want to put in any effort to help me. Then I met Mike at a tradeshow and our interaction felt sincere and he listened. I'm happy to say we got our truck and it was what we NEEDED and WANTED. EZ will be the only company we work with moving forward.

Jeff Werline


My new go to place for a truck is EZ Work Trucks. Mike and the rest of the EZ team made my 1st truck purchase with them a pleasure. Two weeks later, another great deal on truck #2. Again, I got the same smooth pleasurable experience. Both trucks delivered to me clean and with a full fuel tank. Their business name fits the purchasing experience. I wouldn't hesitate to call them for my next truck purchase. I highly recommend EZ Work Trucks.

Aaron Barnhart


We recently purchased a box truck and the experience was smooth and hassle free. They even delivered it 3 hrs away! Mike was always responsive and handled any questions we had. We are going to use these guys moving forward for any commercial vehicle purchases.

Jason Brown


Ryan is my guy, he worked with me from beginning to the end and was able to guide me every step of the way. The company on a hold is solid and from my experience they do everything they can in order for you to drive a solid vehicle of their lot. I needed some extra time in order to pay the balance on the deposit and they were patient with me. I didn’t have a ride to pick up my truck and Ryan without hesitation sent Bill, one of their drivers and hour and a half to come pick me up. (Thanks Bill)

David Wheatly


We have bought 2 trucks from EZ Trucks in the last three months and we are very pleased with all the help and very courteous people looking forward to doing a lot more business in the future.

Tyler Longfellow


Just bought an f550 from EZ and the experience was amazing. Hands down the best service I’ve received from any dealership. Highly Recommended!

Devel Wallace


Great service. Friendly staff. It was a pleasure doing business with them. I will be using their services from now on for my trucking needs.